We build websites that grow your business !

Website Creation

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Why create a website?

having a website is crucial in today's digital landscape for businesses to establish their online presence, gain credibility, and effectively reach and engage with customers. It acts as a virtual showcase, strengthens the company's reputation, and provides opportunities for growth and success.
A website also provides a platform for effective communication and customer engagement. Businesses can use features like contact forms, live chat, or social media integration to interact with customers, answer inquiries, and provide support. This enhances customer satisfaction and loyalty.


How Did COVID-19 Impact the importance of websites

The market has witnessed a shift in consumer habits following the impact of the COVID-19 crisis. As a result, having a website has become a fast and convenient way to adapt to the new market realities and changing consumer demands.

Adaptation to Restrictions and Social Distancing

During the health crisis, many businesses were forced to close or limit their activities. However, those with websites were able to continue their operations and remain functional during the lockdown, and even expand their activities.

Diversify Sales Channels

By diversifying sales channels through their websites, businesses were able to adapt to the challenges posed by the lockdown measures, expand their reach, and attract new customers. This diversification provided opportunities for growth and helped mitigate the impact of reduced foot traffic in physical stores.

Building Customer Trust

Websites played a crucial role in reinforcing customer trust during the pandemic. By providing information, testimonials, secure transactions, and responsive customer support, businesses were able to instill confidence in their customers, ensuring a positive and trustworthy relationship.

Proactive Communication with Customers

Having a website empowers businesses to proactively communicate with their customers. By providing timely updates, facilitating direct interaction, sharing news and valuable content, and integrating social media, businesses can maintain transparency, foster customer engagement, and strengthen relationships with their audience.

Getting Started with Creating Your Website

If you have an idea for creating a website and don't know where to start, begin by asking yourself the following questions:

Commercial objectives

Start by asking yourself, why do you want to have a website? The answer could be to sell a product online, generate leads, publish news, etc. Defining your objectives will help you determine the structure, content, and direction of your website.

Type of website

There are various types of websites that you can implement for your business: Showcase website, E-commerce website, Marketplace, Booking website, Blog, News website, Community website.
Having trouble making a choice? Check out our section on "Which website for your business?" to get a better idea!

Design and customization

The design of your website directly impacts the user experience and the perception of your company. Look for a template and theme that aligns closely with your vision and don't hesitate to customize it to differentiate yourself from your competitors. If you need guidance, feel free to contact our team here.

Functionality and integrations

Outline the specific functionalities of your website, such as product catalog, integration with third-party solutions, etc., and ensure that their integration is possible with the chosen platform.

Usability and user experience

The navigation on your website should be enjoyable, page loading should be fast, and accessing and searching for information should be easy for users.


The chosen platform should provide a high level of security and regular updates to ensure the safety of your website.

Scalability and extensibility

When choosing a platform and integrating functionalities, it's important to have a long-term vision and anticipate future developments. Therefore, it's advisable to opt for a flexible platform that allows you to easily and seamlessly evolve your website over time.


Determine your budget to make the platform choice while considering the costs of development and maintenance.

What Type of Website Does Your Business Need?

Types of websites

Showcase website

  • Primarily designed to display information about a company, individual, or service.
  • Emphasizes content and information, often used for brand representation and credibility.
  • Generally includes details about products or services offered, contact information, and sometimes a portfolio or gallery.

E-commerce website

  • Specifically built to facilitate buying and selling goods or services online.
  • Features include product listings, shopping carts, secure payment gateways, and often customer account management.
  • Focuses on generating sales and providing a seamless shopping experience for customers.


  • Acts as a platform bringing together multiple vendors and buyers.
  • Allows various sellers to showcase their products or services in one place.
  • Provides a diverse range of offerings, often allowing transactions between individual buyers and sellers within the platform.

Open Source Web Development

CMS & Frameworks

We are proficient in using almost all types of open-source technologies for website development, content management systems, and e-commerce websites. Below are some of the open-source solutions we commonly employ.

We excel in crafting websites using WordPress, the versatile CMS.

We are experts in e-commerce site development using PrestaShop.

Magento e-commerce development is our specialty.

We specialize in creating dynamic web solutions with Drupal.

Our proficiency extends to Shopify for robust e-commerce platforms.

Our expertise includes Angular for robust and dynamic web applications.

We're skilled in using React to craft engaging, modern web interfaces.

Driving backend excellence through Node.js innovation.

We leverage Laravel to build powerful and scalable web applications.

Crafting robust websites with Django's powerful framework.

We harness the power of Joomla for customizable website development.

Enabling engaging e-learning experiences with Moodle.